27 November 2018
The Hub, Volunteers, Cefn Mably Park, Fibre Blowing, Splice Bullet, Routers, Ducts, Geo Ripper, ,
Openreach have now connected fibre from our data centre to The Hub and HNS have installed our core router in the Hub.
Our technical team are now busy configuring the software that will in turn configure the home routers.
We now have around 40 properties that are ready to be connected. They have their duct up to their properties, routers installed and a “pigtail” lead spliced onto the fibre at the router.
We are the first community built project in Wales to install a 1Gbps fibre to the property. What an exciting achievement? Furthermore, we are the first village in Wales to have fully futureproofed itself as our network has the capability to handle 10Gbps today and 100Gbps in the future.

Construction and Progress
Trenching and Ducting
We have now completed approximately 50% of the trenching and duct laying thanks to the continued hard work by Thomas Bros. and Chris and Dave Walford. Trenching is progressing towards the river crossings and at Haygrove and Tyla Farm. We anticipate the Drilling Team will be here in a few weeks time to take the ducts under the river towards Cefn Mably Park and Menorca Cottages.
Fibre Blowing and Splicing
The splice bullet at Druidstone Road Chamber is now 90% completed, Cae Gwyn is 80% finished, The Horsefield is 65% complete and splice bullets are ready to be installed at Fairwater Farm, Began Road, Haygrove and Daintree House. Huge thanks go to the fibre blowing team for all their hard work whilst I have been splicing them in as soon as they have been blown! Fibre has now been blown to 52 properties.

Geo Ripper
Jason Stephens and Brin Richards have been Geo Ripping their way across gardens to get ducting up to the property, thank you Jason and Brin on behalf of the residents and I hope you are recovering from the horse fly bites! Thank you also to Paul Maygor for organising his guys to use the Geo Ripper on Haygrove grounds. After training, they have completed this to allow ducting to be laid. Not long ‘till we can blow fibre through to the properties and install the routers. Progress is amazing and exciting to see. This can be clearly seen on the map at www.myfi.wales which continues to be updated almost daily.
Router installations
Jim Dunk and Glyn Williams have been whizzing around the village and installing routers to properties that have laid their ducts. Thank you both you have achieved a total of 39 routers installed to date.
I am following in their footsteps and splicing a pigtail (a plug and lead) onto the one of the fibres that have been blown through to the router. This then means that some lucky people are about to be connected to our network. Thank you to everyone for the offers of tea and coffee, it is much enjoyed and appreciated although I can’t take up all the offers as it would double my time doing the job! I am getting to know so many lovely people.

Please get your spades out and dig the trench in your gardens so that ducts can be laid, routers installed etc etc and you can then be connected.
Wow, we are now coming to the stage of making connections. We must ensure that all the correct paperwork is in place. We will be visiting you once your connection is live to your property to carry out a date stamped Speed Test, collect your signed Elective Claim Form, complete the Contract for Services and give you a Welcome Pack.
The date stamped speed test and Elective Claim Form are essential as The Welsh Government need these before they will pay the grant towards the installation costs to Michaelston-Y-Fedw Internet CIC
Please have your Elective Claim Form at the ready, but don’t worry if you are unable to find it as we have some spare copies.
Customer Liaison
We now have a team of 4 people ~ Julie Taylor, Ruth Middleton, Richard Raybould and Barry Dixon who will be door knocking to gather valuable information from residents who will be preparing for their connections in the coming weeks. Information required will be router placement, duct across garden info, our and your responsibilities and so on. All useful info to help avoid placement errors and speed up the process.
Slab Laying
It all seems to be happening at once! Glyn Williams, Richard Raybould and Jim Dunk set about laying the slabs around the Hub and will complete the job once we have the extra slabs needed. These are being generously given to us by Jason and Paula Stevens. Many thanks to you both, yet another cost saving for the community.

IT for The Hub
Our technical team are now working on the software in the Hub and once they have installed and configured this they will be able to begin the same with the routers that have been plugged in and left switched on in properties.
I will be doing the necessary splicing at The Hub with ear defenders on as the core router which is right next to me when I am doing this is extremely noisy!
The GDPR replaced existing data protection legislation on 25 May 2018. Michaelston-y-Fedw Internet CIC has undertaken a detailed review and concluded that it already complies with the GDPR. There are three key facts that are of direct relevance to you as a recipient of Myfi Mails or as a Customer of Michaelston-y-Fedw Internet CIC. There is:
- no action that you need to take or any response that you need to provide;
- no change in the way that we will process, store and use your data; and
- no change in the basis of your involvement in Michaelston-y-Fedw Internet CIC
Your continued participation remains as described on the Privacy Policy on the website www.myfi.wales and in the consent that you gave us when registering initially. You have the right to unsubscribe at any time from our Mail Newsletters, although we need to retain your information as a customer for account and communication purposes.
Cefn Mably Park will be supplied with ducting to enable them to begin the task of pulling the ducts through to the properties in readiness for the fibre blowing. It is a process that can be carried out from the Main Gate up to each property. This will then enable the process of connections to be speeded up once the trenching has been done along the main drive. We are hoping a number of volunteers from Cefn Mably Park will carry this out, additional support will be given to ensure that the process goes smoothly. Phil Grant is coordinating this so please get in touch with him if you are willing to help.
The date of the next meeting is 28th June 2018
Everyone is welcome to attend, to hear further progress and to ask questions.