20 March 2019
Grants, Construction and Progress, Fibre Blowing, Splice Bullets, Volunteers, EU Broadband Awards 2018, Technical Information, GoCardless
Grant Updates
We are pleased to state that we have just received our first grant payments from Welsh Government. We now expect a steady revenue stream as we complete connections and return the relevant paperwork.
We have a challenge presently with some of the early live connections, and incomplete paperwork. In some cases speed tests have not been completed and sent to The Welsh Government, and in other cases our original quotation, and not the Invoice has been sent back with the claim form. This in turn means that we are unable to be paid the grants which will subsequently continue to fund the project so that everyone else can be connected.
If you already have a live connection and need any assistance completing the paperwork please contact us and we will assist you.
In light of the above we have changed our methods and developed a system where we will complete the live connection and ensure all paperwork is signed and ready to post to The Welsh Government at the same time. It is important that we get everything in order and streamlined so that the whole community benefits from this project and the grant money is paid promptly following receipt of all the correct paperwork.
Due to the current missing speed tests, invoices and signing up to GoCardless, we will be contacting/visiting those that have not yet completed the process as we are dependant on grant money coming in to be able to connect more customers.
Construction and Progress
Great work has been done by Chris and Dave Walford, trenching from Penylan to New Park Farm, from the river to Menorca Cottages and from Bridge Farm to Ruperra House. This weekend, as I type this newsletter, Chris has completed the trenching from the bottom of Cefn Mably Park and across the field around the back of Tai Derwen, Dave, Jim, Brin and myself pulled out 7 ducts in record time (around 45 mins!) for Chris to backfill. I think that the bacon and egg sandwich and pint mug of tea that I gave him helped keep the energy levels up! The next phase of trenching will be across the road at the Cefn Mably Fishing Lakes and at Penylan.

at the rear of Tai Derwen
Thompson Directional Drilling are still tied up in Aberystwyth and are hoping to make it to us very soon to complete the under river, stream and road crossings. In the meantime we are ensuring that all the preparation work is being completed in readiness so that 72 and 144 fibre can be blown and splices completed to connect promptly.
Router installations
In light of our issues with paperwork not being completed correctly we have now changed the way we install routers. We now fit the Fibre Termination Unit inside the home and splice the pigtail on ready for when we are able to make the final connection. On the day of connection a pre provisioned router will be delivered and at the same time all the necessary paperwork will be completed so when we leave your home all you have to do is enjoy our 1Gb service.
In the past two weeks 10 Fibre Termination Units have been fitted, the total to date is 71 properties that either have service or are ready to receive it.
Splicing and Splice Bullets
Carina and Jim Dunk installed the splice bullet into the chamber at Pentreporth Cottage. It won’t be long before 144 fibre can be blown from the Hub down to the start of Cefn Mably Park drive and then 72 fibre will be blown along the drive to Cefn Mably Park.
Fibre Blowing
Blowing the 72 fibre from the Horsefield to Penylan has proved difficult and presented problems. This was attempted again Saturday 11th August and whilst it was a very wet, difficult task, having to dig up the trench several times to find what was causing the problems, we successfully completed the job.
IT for the Hub
The new Air Conditioning Unit has been fitted and is proving to be perfect at maintaining the ambient temperature required for the equipment.
As some of you know we had a power cut recently and were very pleased to find that the UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) kicked in and provided the power for the next hour and a half until the power was back on.
Now we have the new Air Conditioning we may need to add an additional battery pack to ensure that all equipment continues seamlessly for a minimum of 2 hours for when we have power cuts in the future.
The portable Air Conditioning Unit which has had little use is now surplus to requirements and is available for sale. If anyone is interested please contact david.schofield@myfi.wales
We would like to see around £500 but would consider nearest offer to.
If there is no interest within the village it will be put on Ebay and sold to recoup some of the initial outlay.
Cefn Mably Park
Wayne is doing a magnificent job at Cefn Mably Park and providing support to all those who need it. There have been a number of challenges feeding duct though the existing chambers and ducting systems but one by one they are being overcome. I understand that Wayne was up around 7.30am one morning and successfully pulled duct through that only the previous day was problematic. Nice one Wayne, your enthusiasm is amazing.
The chamber at the main gate had to be blasted with a water hose by Dave Walford to clear some of the silt that had settled in the system to enable our ducts to be pulled through.
A Splice bullet has been installed in the cabinet outside the Walled Garden with 15 ducts inserted along with most of the fibres blown, and Fibre Termination Units fitted into properties. Work is progressing well and it shouldn’t be too long before we have our first connections at Cefn Mably Park.

One of the many challenges. !
Technical information
New firmware has been installed to existing live routers and will automatically be installed in the new routers as they are provisioned ~ before installing into your property.
The new firmware gives the option of logging in on either 2.4 GHz or 5.0 GHz
You should log in on both so that your equipment selects the best possible option.
“The primary differences between the two frequencies are the range (coverage) and bandwidth (speed) that the bands provide. The 2.4 GHz band provides coverage at a longer range but transmits data at slower speeds. The 5 GHz band provides less coverage but transmits data at faster speeds.
The range is lower in the 5 GHz band because higher frequencies cannot penetrate solid objects, such as walls and floors. However, higher frequencies allow data to be transmitted faster than lower frequencies, so the 5 GHz band allows you to upload and download files faster.
Your WiFi connection on a particular frequency band can also be faster or slower because of interference from other devices. Many WiFi-enabled technologies and other household devices use the 2.4 GHz band, including microwaves and garage door openers. When multiple devices attempt to use the same radio space, overcrowding occurs. The 5 GHz band tends to have less overcrowding than the 2.4GHz band because fewer devices use it and because it has 23 channels for devices to use, while the 2.4GHz band has only 11 channels. The number of channels that are available to you depends on the regulatory domain. If you’re experiencing a lot of interference from other devices, consider using the 5 GHz band.”
Courtesy of https://kb.netgear.com/29396/What-is-the-difference-between-2-4-GHz-and-5GHz
Schedule of Future Work
During the coming fortnight Chris & David Walford will continue trenching and duct laying up to Pound Hill, and across to the Cefn Mably Fishing Lakes and on up to Penny and David Gregson’s Farm. Trenching should also commence at Croescarneinon Farm
As always, we continue to rely on volunteers being a part of our project to remove the need to buy in services and so make the project viable.
To volunteer you may do either :~
Contact: liian.richards@myfi.wales to let her know of your availability
If you see a group of us working in your area, come out and give a hand. We will not refuse your help and will always find something that you can do on the day.
We could not do this project without the support of volunteers who are an invaluable asset. I count myself in as probably one of the few female volunteers who will roll my sleeves up and get involved. The banter is great, the satisfaction of knowing that you carried out vital parts of the project is rewarding and getting to know so many of you lovely people who live so close to me is just fantastic. Particularly when we all go to the pub after a good days work for a drink or two and reflect on the days trials and tribulations. Come and join us if you can, it is great fun.
EU Commission Broadband Awards 2018
As you are aware Carina Dunk is preparing the submission for the EU Commission Broadband Awards 2018. Part of this submission requires video interviews, which Hefin Owen started to film on Wednesday 8th August. To every one’s surprise he was at the meeting this evening to film our progress updates and to catch the relaxed banter at the Cefn Mably Arms afterwards. Hefin continues to film activities that are taking place around the village to be edited along with some drone footage of the village taken by Ollie that can be incorporated into the final piece.
This will be an invaluable addition to our submission and we will make the video available on the website when it is completed for you all to see. Once again we are so lucky to have a professional in the village to do this for us. A huge thank you Hefin, it is very much appreciated and will be the perfect finish for our submission.
Vonage ~ VOIP ~ Phone systems and other Technical Support
A presentation is to be organised with Vonage for potential customers with a date to be arranged around mid-September. They are providers of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) telephone systems for both business and residential customers at very competitive rates. Vonage have put together a great deal for Michaelston-y-Fedw Internet CIC and will pay a £40 commission to MyFi for each customer who takes their service, which will go into a separate fund and shareholders will be asked to vote on a range of options for which the community will benefit.
It is intended to arrange for additional experts on networking around the home and the type of equipment that may enhance your Gigabit experience to be present at this presentation.
We will let you know more once we have a firm date.
The date of the next meeting is Thursday 23rd August 2018 at 7.30 P.M.